FIFO workers often face unique challenges due to their work schedule, isolation from their families and The lack of Mental, Financial and Emotional support networks.

Salayeh created FIFO’S International to address some of the consequences and also focus on some strategies that promote and support mental health, creating a safe and healthy environment for FIFO workers:Such as counselling, coaching, and workshops for individuals, couples, and senior-level personnel.


F - Foster Communication: Encourage open and regular communication between workers, supervisors, and support staff. This can be done through regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and anonymous suggestion boxes. Contact the FIFOS International Support Network.


I - Implement Support Systems: Establish support systems such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) We provide confidential counseling and coaching services, mental health resources, and referrals to Other professional help if needed. Ensure workers are aware of these resources and how to access them.

facilitate Work-life balance

F - Facilitate Work-Life Balance: Promote work-life balance by implementing policies that allow for adequate rest periods, time off, and flexible work arrangements. Encourage workers to engage in activities outside of work that promote relaxation, hobbies, social and Healthier Intimate connections


O - Offer Training and Education: Provide Training And Education Programs On Mental Health Awareness, Stress Management, coping strategies, Resilience Building,personal and professional growth. This Can Include Online In-Person Workshops, Seminars, Counselling, Coaching, Relationship Support, And Online Resources That Are Easily Accessible To All Workers.


s - Support Peer Networks: Encourage the formation of peer support networks among FIFO workers. This can be done through buddy systems, Group Workshops and mentorship programs, or informal support groups. Peer support can provide a sense of camaraderie and understanding among workers facing similar challenges.

  • Mental Health & Safety

    Provide training and education programs on mental health awareness, stress management, resilience building, and coping strategies. Loneliness can contribute to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress among FIFO workers. A study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (2019) found that personal and professional development interventions for FIFO workers led to increased safety awareness and adherence to safety practices. Participants reported improved knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards safety, leading to a safer work environment.

  • Financial Coaching

    Provide Financial Education, Coaching and counseling to develop healthy strategies. Financial and emotional counselling can provide FIFO workers with the tools they need to manage their money effectively and cope with the emotional stress of their work environment.

  • Individual Sexual Health & Education

    Negative Coping Strategies, for example, Regular Consumption of Alcohol and Compulsive Behavior: Excessive use of pornography or engaging in compulsive masturbation can potentially lead to relationship problems and contribute to divorce rates. it can negatively impact their emotional connection and intimacy with intimate partners. it Can cause Reduced Energy and Motivation, Distraction and preoccupation, absenteeism and presentation, Health issues, and interpersonal conflict.

  • Couples Counselling/Coaching

    A study conducted by AIFS in 2013 found that FIFO workers in Australia had a higher divorce rate compared to the general population.Addressing loneliness among FIFO workers is crucial for their overall well-being and mental health. Implementing strategies to foster social connection, provide emotional support, and promote work-life balance can help mitigate the negative effects of loneliness. This may include initiatives such as regular communication with loved ones, access to counseling services, creating a supportive work environment, and promoting social activities during on-site rotations.

  • Leadership and Sexual Health

    Research suggest Sexual Health counselling and Leadership coaching for executives, managers, CEO’s, and Workers can lead to improved leadership skills, including strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities. Improved Emotional intelligence. These enhanced skills can positively impact productivity and organizational outcomes. Reduce Turnover and Recruitment cost and increase innovation and adaptability. Improve Intimate and professional relationships, life satisfaction and increased happiness.

  • Life Coaching

    Research published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (2018) indicated that coaching interventions for FIFO workers led to increased job satisfaction and engagement. Participants reported higher levels of motivation, commitment, and enjoyment in their work. - Goal Setting and Motivation: FIFO work often requires individuals to set and achieve goals. A coach can help individuals clarify their goals, develop action plans, and maintain motivation and focus throughout their work cycles. - Stress Management: FIFO work can be demanding and stressful. A Coach can teach individuals stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, resilience-building strategies, and mindset shifts, to help them navigate challenges and maintain well-being. - Self-Confidence and Resilience: A mindset coach can support FIFO workers in building self-confidence and resilience. They can help individuals overcome self-limiting beliefs, develop a positive self-image, and cultivate a resilient mindset to thrive in their work and personal lives.

  • Couples Sexual Health & Education

    A sex therapy-informed professional can support FIFO workers in addressing sexual concerns and maintaining healthy relationships. They can provide guidance on: - Communication and Intimacy: FIFO workers often face challenges in maintaining communication and intimacy with their partners due to physical separation. help individuals develop effective communication strategies and explore alternative forms of intimacy to maintain a strong connection. - Sexual Desire and Functioning: The unique work schedule and lifestyle of FIFO workers can sometimes impact sexual desire and functioning. A sex therapy-informed professional can assess and address any concerns related to libido, performance anxiety, or relationship issues, providing guidance and interventions to improve sexual well-being. - Relationship Dynamics: help couples navigate these challenges, improve relationship dynamics, and foster a healthy and satisfying partnership.

  • Women FIFO'S

    Women working in male-dominated environments may face Gender pay gaps, higher risks of sexual harassment, objectification, or inappropriate behavior; encounter challenges in building and maintaining professional relationships. Gender bias and stereotypes can lead to exclusion, isolation, or difficulties in forming connections with male colleagues, Not Receiving support can impact collaboration, teamwork, and career advancement opportunities. which can have severe negative effects on their well-being, job satisfaction, and mental health. Women also face individual, sexual and relational Challenges as a single person and a person who has children. Coaching interventions have been associated with increased happiness and life satisfaction. By addressing personal growth, values, and fulfilment, coaching can help women align their personal and professional lives, leading to greater overall happiness.