The Beginners Guide to Meditation

Make It Stand Out.


Well, there have been times where I haven’t meditated for a few days and the disconnection is so obvious. The trust with my true inner self is questioned. Because all the other thoughts and chatter then take the lead.
The silence to hear my own souls voice to truly sit in what am I feeling.
The questions I ask myself can only be answered if I sit in the silence.
It took me soooo many years of reacting to people, other people’s opinions, others emotions, my own shortcomings until I felt like I was going crazy like Madness too much overthinking, swapping from one fix to another, never able to sit still, over talking, reacting, involving myself where I was not needed. Getting caught up in the drama, impatience, using vices to fix the feelings inside.

 3 mins of meditation brings results to blood circulation through the body and electric magnetic field

 11 mins of meditation affects the glandular and nervous system of the body

22 mins meditation balances body and aligns the 3 minds negative and positive and neutral

31 Mins Mediation results in cell rejuvenation, biorhythms, and the projections of our mind

62 Minute Meditation brings changes to the grey matter of our brain and incorporates the shadows of our subconscious mind with an eternal projection

150 minutes Meditation will rewire our subconscious mind and restructure the connection with the universal mind

So Every day I say, meditate every day….


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